
Najnowsze artykuły:

W Układzie Słonecznym mamy osiem planet... ale czy na pewno? NASA i naukowcy z California Institute of Technology (Caltech) badają dowody sugerujące, że może istnieć tajemnicza dziewiąta planeta, znan ...

Musk przelewa z pustego w próżne? Najnowsze dokumenty Tesli pokazały, że tylko do lutego firma, która raczej unika płatnych działań marketingowych, wydała na reklamę na X (dawniej Twitter) 200 tys. do ...

In an open letter, a group of astronomers claimed that Chandra “is capable of many more years of operation and scientific discovery” and that a “reduction of the budget of our flagship X-ray mission ...

Space X's Starlink satellite broadband service has received approval from authorities to begin operations in Ghana. The National Communications Authority (NCA) announced on Thursday, April 25, that it ...

Elon Musk X is looking to launch a TV app, a move that demonstrates its deeper foray into the video and entertainment space. X TV Is Coming To Compete ...

This company already launched India’s first private rocket. Now it’s preparing to send India’s first privately launched satellites into orbit ...

Elon Musk plans on launching a new TV app, X TV, which will be a streaming platform. The launch was teased on social media platform X, in a video along with the announcement. However, the official ...

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